Friday, March 19, 2010

Blackford's Beauty, Glenna's quilt

Today I got the blackford's beauty quilt off the frame. From here on out I will be calling it Glenna's quilt. When I first met Bonnie Anderson and asked if she would piece some quilts for me, I left it up to her what pattern she would make. This is the first top that she sent me, after the french braid that started our "relationship". Didn't even know what a "blackford's beauty" quilt was, as a matter of fact, referred to it with the wrong name for a while. Anyway, right out of the box, this looked like my sister in law, Glenna. Well not like her, but like it would fit her style. Then I spent way too long, trying to figure out how to quilt it. Finally after looking over Lisa Calle's "Never ending Quilt" decided that I really needed to step it up a bit. This is the first time that I used the circle templates as well as the straight line template. I had tried before to use them, but I am notoriously uncoordinated and just couldn't get it. Decided I had better get it figured out. I am pleased with the result. An area that might be of interest to some of you, each pattern stitch that I used can be done with a shorter arm machine, like the Brother 1500, or Pfaff Grandquilter, or Juki 98e. Hope that inspires some of you.

Those of you that aren't in my immediate yelling range, probably don't know but I have decided that I need to work toward showing my quilts. Now that I have such a good piecer to rely on, I can just concentrate on my quilting. You will notice that I have included a pic of the back. As with everything I do, it seems I can't get it all right at the same time. Well the thread that I used for the bobbin was supposed to be medium green. Certainly looked like that, but on the dark green background, just reads as light or white. Not my intention. And to make matters worse, it seemed while the quilt was on the frame, that the greenish thread in the bobbin was showing through to the top. Now that it is off the frame, not so much but definitely showing through on the frame. The questions that I am asking myself is why? Maybe because I have the quilt pretty taunt on the frame, that it shows, I don't know. If you know let me know. These are the "little" things that I know will be detrimental in judging, but if I don't have to worry about it, I would like to not worry.

There are several other concerns that I have, not the least of which is why does it not show up well in my pics. I usually do pretty well. Another area to work on. Well that is the reason we are all here.

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